IACC2024 - Nature-inspired CO2 capture and conversion 

The nature-inspired route to CO2 capture and utilisation presents a promising avenue in the fight against global warming, leveraging the principles of biomimicry to mimic, accelerate, or enhance natural processes for sustainable solutions. These approaches draw inspiration from the Earth's inherent mechanisms for balancing carbon, offering the potential for lower energy consumption, reduced environmental impact, and increased efficiency in capturing and repurposing CO2. Promising nature-inspired CO2 capture and utilisation approaches include enhanced weathering, mineralisation, biological CO2 conversion and photo-based CO2 utilisation etc.  These approaches serve as valuable complements to existing industrial DAC methods, offering promising prospects for further development. These nature-inspired strategies not only offer a path to significantly reduce atmospheric CO2 levels but also align with the principles of circular economy by utilizing captured carbon as a resource for creating valuable products, thereby contributing to a more sustainable and resilient future.

Online | Tuesday 9th April 2024


Organiser: International Association for Carbon Capture (IACC)

Host organiser: 

University of Surrey (UK)


KU Leuven (Belgium), Loughborough University (UK), Jiangsu University (China)


Dr Lei Xing (University of Surrey, UK)


Prof dr. Veerle Vandeginste (KU Leuven, Belgium)

Prof Eileen Yu (Loughborough University, UK)

Dr Jonathan Wagner (Loughborough University, UK)

Prof Pengwei Huo (Jiangsu University, China)

Abstract submission and registration (deadline: 10 March 2024):


Conference Programme

UK time zone

9:30   – 9:35

Welcome and Introduction

Dr.   Lei Xing, Prof. dr. Veerle Vandeginste

Prof. Eileen Yu, Dr. Jonathan Wagner

9:35   – 9:45

IACC-SMS Awards Announcements

Dr. Chunfei Wu (IACC chair) & Dr Paul Iacomi   (Surface Measurement System)

Session   1: Keynote talk

chaired   by Lei Xing

9:45 – 10:25

Single-step carbon dioxide capture and polymer-mediated   mineralization

Prof. dr. Veerle Vandeginste

(KU Leuven,   Belgium)

10:25 – 11:05

Process   intensification of Microalgae energy conversion

Prof. Yun Huang

(Chongqing University, China)

11:05 – 11:45

Evolving CO2-Based Electro-biorefineries for practical implementation

Dr. Paniz Izadi

(Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ, Germany)

11:45 – 12:30


Session 2: Invited talk

Mineralisation-based   CO2 capture and utilisation

 chaired by Prof   dr. Veerle Vandeginste

12:30 – 12:50

Enhanced   rock weathering as a climate change stabilization wedge

Prof. dr. Rafael Santos

(University   of Guelph, Canada)

12:50 – 13:10

Indirect   mineralization of industrial residues: from the laboratory to the industrial   demonstration

Mr. Antonio Gasós

(ETH Zürich, Switzerland)

13:10 – 13:30

Developing an integrated CO2 capture and   mineralization process with lower energy consumption

Dr. Longgang Tao

(A*STAR,   Singapore)

13:30 – 13:40


Session 3: Invited talk

Bio- and photo- based CO2 capture and   utilisation

 chaired by Prof. Eileen Yu

13:40 – 14:00

Microbial Electrosynthesis for Carbon Capture and   Utilization: Dynamic Modelling and LCA

Dr. Siddharth Gadkari

(University of Surrey, UK)

14:00 – 14:20

Engineering CO2-Fixing Cell Metabolism for   Sustainable Commodity Chemicals

Dr. Ahsan Islam

(Loughborough University, UK)

14:20 – 14:40

Engineering a photosynthetic electron transport chain in   bacteria to drive CO2 fixation

Mr. Weiming Tu

(University of Oxford, UK)

14:40 – 14:50


Session 4: Invited talk

Algae-based   CO2 capture and utilisation

chaired by Dr Jonathan Wagner

14:50 – 15:10

Bio-decarbonization by microalgae: A comprehensive   analysis of CO2 transport in photo-bioreactor

Miss. Peirong Li

(Chongqing University, China)

15:10 – 15:30

Capture CO2 as   bicarbonate for microalgae cultivation

    Dr. Zhanyou Chi (Dalian   University of Technology) 

15:30 – 15:50

The challenge of scaling up CO2 capture using   microalgae

Dr. Douglas McKenzie

(Phyco-F Ltd)

15:50 – 16:00

Closing   remarks and awards discussion

After panel discussion, Dr Lei Xing will email the winner separately by email on behalf of the 2 best presentations on behalf of IACC (£50 and certificate/each).